About L192

L192 has been known to be the best shopping platform in Cambodia, serving hundreds of thousands of online shoppers since 2010. Being the very first pioneer of Cambodia online platform, we have gained enormous support from our customers and became the most trusted online shopping platform whose sole purpose is to deliver the best customer service, fulfillment and after-sales services.

How much does it cost ?

January 01, 2022

Fee TypesDescriptionAmount
Inventory Storage FeeFee for storing products in our warehouse is posted at the end of the month based on the total volume in (M3). The volume and fee are calculated daily.


Handling FeeFee for services such as picking up, packing, handling, customer service and product returned is posted when a product is successfully delivered to the buyer.$0.25 + $0.05/KG (>3KG)
Pickup FeeFee for stores/sellers that do not store the product in L192 warehouses requiring L192 to pick up the product when there is an order$0.25 +$0.1/KG (>3KG)
Delivery FeeThe fee is posted when a product is successfully delivered to the buyer.$0.00
Product Entry FeeThe fee is posted if the seller/store requires L192 to upload products on their behalf.$1/product
FBL Inventory Processing FeeUnpack the shipment package, verify the dimensions and weight of the product, label each unit, and store each unit on L192 shelves. The fee is posted automatically when a shipment is successfully processed.$0.025/unit
FBL Inventory Removal FeeCollect all the units to be removed from L192 shelves, pack the units, and send to the supplier. The fee is posted automatically when a removal is successfully processed.$0.05/unit
UnfulfillmentIf a remote unit is paid for and the order is approved but (1) the merchant fails to fulfill (OOS), (2) a unit is returned due to the merchant’s mistake, or (3) the order is cancelled for delay in preparation, this fee is posted.$0.25 per unit


L192 charges a commission for every product sold on its platform. The fee is posted automatically.

Sale PriceCommission
Less than $10010%
Less than $3005%
Less than $5002%
$500 and above1%

Exception: 20% commission will be charged over any products under categories below:

We have the right to make any changes


  1. Sales boosted by Livestreaming and store display incur an additional 16.88%.
  2. PPC starting at $0.02

Click here to create your ads campaign now.

What are the requirements to be a merchant?

  • Email Address
  • Business information, such as company registration name, company registration code, place of registration, etc…
  • Tax and bank information, such as VAT, bank account information.